Bought the underdress material today. Blue velveteen, cotton. I bid and won an auction for a lot of 12 fur collars which I will use for trim on the surcote. The collars are mink, fox, coyote, rabbit, and something else I can't remember. Recycled and old but real. I have stayed true to my word of not using synthetic materials. But then there's the cotton issue. Cotton production is polluting. And I think my thread is cotton coated polyester. One can never win.
This week I started on the shift, which I'm sloppily making out of off white cotton muslin that I used to use for a turban for the Italian Ren dress, but it was so heavy (all 5 yards of it) it gave me a migraine the one day I wore it. But it looked really good. Now I use a smaller one that wraps just as nicely. It's a good thing I'll be using this dress as an undergarment. It's a good thing to practice with, too. I'm learning from my mistakes. It's pretty fun, but it doesn't compare to knitting. I don't think anything really does, though. Cross stitch was fun, but I really need magnifying glasses to do it. I could use a pair for using the sewing machine, too, that's for sure. I might make a little trip to CVS tomorrow...
So the overdress will lace up the back, so it will have a snugger fit. The surcoat will defineitely have a train. Now I have to think of headgear. A simple circlet and a white or blue silk sheer veil is what I have in mind. A cord or braided belt. Maybe a leather one.
21 August 2003
15 August 2003
I know it's been a long time. Very busy. Trying to cram in as much fun, crafting and family time as possible before school starts and I have no time for fun, crafts or family. But I did make some stuff. And I am about to embark on yet another making stuff endeavor: my very own medieval garb. (GASP!) It was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm going to make a complete 14th century French woman's outfit with shift, underdress (kirtle-type thing, I think) and sideless surcoat. I'm using rocking horse farm's pattern #140. I just bought the fabric for the surcoat: burgundy colored lightweight wool, and the lining, which I think I'll use for something else because the colors clash in a wrong way. I'm bidding on ebay for recycled mink or rabbit fur for trim (yes, the real stuff--philosophical/moral quandary aside). Next week before we go to Maine I'm going to get the underdress material. I'm thinking linen or silk, maybe more wool. I can't decide. I might go for a synthetic damask, I'm still debating. I'd like to go all natural in the material, especially since I justified using real animal hides rather than synthetic nylon/plastic-derived/chem-fabric whose byproducts are probably bad for the environment. This is going to be my non-summer garb, since I have a perfectly wonderful summer outfit.
The goal is to make the outfit while we're in Maine. This means I probably won't take any knitting. What am I saying? I can't commit to leaving my needles at home. So many crafts, and the clock is ticking.
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