made a hemp crown this weekend. Actually two. The first one was a prototype, which I gave to Towner to wear at Starwood this week. The next one I added beads. Pictures, well, you know. Either when I get around to it or when hell freezes over.
I went to the Robin Hood Faire at Hammond Castle this weekend. Lot's of fun, lots of people in garb.
LLL is bleating at me, and I must go.
23 July 2003
15 July 2003
Saw Pirates of the Caribbean this weekend. Twice. The first time we went to the drive-in and some jerk refused to lower his hatch on his SUV (asshole! you know who you are. May your SUV sink in the mud), so I didn't have a very good view. I then saw it at the local little theatre. I loved it!
There's a grumpy Little Lamb on my lap, so I guess I'll have to write more stuff later. Not that there's anything to write. I do have some crafts to report on, but that will have to wait.
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Labels: pirates
07 July 2003
Went to Memphis for my cousin's wedding. LLL was a flower girl, and very very cute. Picked up cross-stitch. Now I'm hooked. I'm making a hokey little ornamental thingy with a dragonfly on it. I picked up the kit from Jo-Anne's Fabrics. (Ahhh Jo Ann's. A guilty pleasure...) Now I'm looking for other kits. Just what I need. Another craft.
Another thing I needed was another book. I just picked up Whee! We, Wee All the Way Home, by Matthew Fox, a liberation theologian. On of these days I will finish Lord of the Rings. Only 300 pages to go. But too many distractions...
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